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I think we are in the Turning Point, with synergy ahead, after the longest gilded age in history. The maturity of the mass production revolution was stretched by the historically unique phenomenon of introducing into the global market economy the whole of China, with incredibly low wages and a completely virgin market, hungry for all the consumer goods of the American Way of Life. The golden age of the information revolution is still to come and the pandemic has created the ideal conditions for governments to come back and tilt the playing field towards an environmentally and socially sustainable direction. Except for the VCs, finance is still decoupled from the real economy. Inequality is still increasing. Golden Ages don't pass inadvertently. They obviously improve people's lives; that's why they are called golden ages' and synergy is about finance serving the real economy (not like today's casino). Read my blogs with Andres Schafer. This is the link to the 4th. I has the links to the previous three: https://medium.com/iipp-blog/is-full-global-development-the-silver-bullet-73dcdb7b2c82

Carlota Perez

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